• Herbal Cures

    Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light - Theodore Roethkke

  • Herbal Cures

    Nature itself is the best physician - Hippocrates.

  • Herbal Cures

    The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. Science brings men nearer to God. -Louis Pasteur.

09 July, 2019

Fitness Advice and Workout tips, Myths and Truth

The 3 M’s of Fitness and Exercise

Fitness Advice and Workout tips, Myths and Truth

1. The Myth

We’ve all heard the hype, “Lose weight without exercising.” It’s a seductive line, guaranteed to raise our heart rate, at least for an instant. But that temporary increase in heart rate is the only benefit from this path to fitness. In case if some manage to lose weight without exercise, it’s a compromise and one where overall health comes up a loser. Reducing caloric intake this much means it’s impossible to eat a balanced, nutritious diet. In addition, we miss out on the major health benefits ofregular exercise. Face it, we all want major results with minimum output, but the math just doesn’t add up.

2. The Math                 

Most people think cardio is all they need as a fitness exercise. In reality, it’s important to equally balance any fitness routine with aerobics and weight training. Strength training is necessary to offset the fact that we begin losing muscle mass at age 30. Although the experts vary on specific requirements, the general guideline is 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day. Don’t make the mistake of trying to fit it all in over the weekend. Weekend Warriors are notorious is emergency rooms all over the country. It’s the perfect way to ensure injury. Spreading your routine throughout the week guarantees many benefits, including higher metabolism rates, increased mental acuity, and even a longer life expectancy.

 3. The Model

The answer is simple—not easy—but simple. Eat less, move more. Those four words can change anyone from fat to fit. So how do we begin that change?

Start small. Set small, attainable goals. If you’ve never exercised regularly, don’t immediately jump into a 90-minute routine, seven days a week. Build up gradually.

Find something you love. Some people just don’t like the gym. No, the problem, ride a bike, pop in a strength training DVD or even, take up dancing. The choices are endless, but the most important is the choice to begin.

Be consistent. You don’t have to be perfect, just consistent. Sure, we all wake up tired and miss a day, but don’t let that day turn into a week or that week into a month.
It’s really not difficult to get in better shape, whether that means to improve your blood pressure, your cholesterol level, your body fat level, your strength, your coordination, or anything else. It just takes a desire to want it and a commitment to learning what you need to do it in a healthy, productive way.

Follow these simple steps for fitness exercise and you’ll add years to your life and life to your years.

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05 July, 2019

Brushing Teeth - Techniques for Brushing Your Teeth in a Right Way

Techniques for properly brushing your teeth
Brushing Teeth - Techniques for Brushing Your Teeth in a Right Way

In order to maintain good dental health, you should maintain a healthy diet and good nutrition. It is important to eat from all of the food groups, including grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meats/beans and eat some extras sparingly, like oils and fats. A balanced diet is very important in helping to prevent cavities. Cavities are caused due to what we eat and how often those foods are eaten. Also, it is more important to know about Techniques for Brushing Your Teeth in a Right Way.  


Eating apples, celery, and carrots can help remove plaque. If you do eat sweets with sugar in it immediately brush after eating the sweets and this will help prevent cavities. Also, another interesting fact is that sweets are less harmful to teeth if eaten with the main meal, rather than between meals. Table sugar is more harmful to teeth than sugars that occur naturally in fruits and milk.

 Food choices that are more nutritious for teeth include the following, fruits, vegetables,  berries, carrots, nuts, tomatoes, yogurt, chicken, eggs, melons, turkey, salad, pineapple, pumpkin seeds, pears, cereal (that is not high in sugar), sunflower seeds, popcorn, oranges, pizza, tacos, cheese, celery and sugar-free gum/soda.


 Food choices that cause tooth decay include the following: candy, mints, sticky foods like jelly beans or caramels, fruit juice, sugary drinks (like soda, sweet tea, and sweetened juice), cake, cookies, cough drops, doughnuts, gum, honey, jams, jellies, molasses, pies, popsicles, syrup and table sugar. Also, you should consider that many foods can become stuck in our teeth when we eat and that can help cause tooth decay too.

 Foods, such as bread, cereals, pasta, crackers, and potato chips, if left in the mouth for long periods of time can cause tooth decay. If you do not brush your teeth after eating these types of things, the bacteria that live in your mouth breaks the food down into sugars and then the sugars create cavities and tooth decay. This is why it is so important to eat a well-balanced diet, eat sugary substances only on occasion and with a meal, rather than as a snack and immediately brush teeth after eating sugary substances to cut down the risk of developing a cavity.


 According to the American Dental Association, the following are recommended for good dental health: bread, cereals and other grain products that provide vitamins for the healthy growth of teeth, dairy products which provide calcium and Vitamin D for strengthening teeth, fruits and vegetables which provide Vitamin C for healthy gums and lean meats, fish, poultry and beans, which provide iron and protein for overall good health and magnesium for healthy teeth.

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