• Herbal Cures

    Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light - Theodore Roethkke

  • Herbal Cures

    Nature itself is the best physician - Hippocrates.

  • Herbal Cures

    The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. Science brings men nearer to God. -Louis Pasteur.

26 March, 2019

Ear Infections and Treatment

Ear Infections and Treatment
image source Wikipedia

It seems to me that it is mostly little children who suffer from ear infections. The reason for this is the shape of their Eustachian tubes as well as their undeveloped immune system. An adult ear infection, though rare, is also a possibility and can be very painful and debilitating.

Ear infection, or otitis media, is one of the most common health problems among children. By the time your child is six years old, the chances are good that she will have already have had one. In the United States alone, over 10 a million children each year see their doctors for this problem.

Ear Infections and Treatment

Your ear is made up of three parts, the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Ear infections usually happen in the middle ear although it is possible also to have inner ear infections.
We will look here at the causes and symptoms of ear infections as well as providing you with natural treatments so that you can select the best ear infection home remedy for you or your loved one.

One note of caution for you: Do not go poking around in your ears, especially with Q-tips. Your ears are designed with their own natural balancing system so can take care of themselves. By you poking around in your ears you are likely to either damage them, like in bursting your eardrum, or you might introduce harmful bacteria into them.

So what causes ear infections?

Eustachian Tube – The Eustachian tubes (one in each ear) keep pressure from building up by letting air move in and out of your middle ear. The Eustachian tube is drainage the conduit which prevents the secretions that are made in the middle ear from building up and bursting your thin eardrum.
What it does instead is allows these secretions to drain down the tube and be swallowed. When this tube gets blocked this is when ear infections occur as there is bacteria build up in your ear.
Some of the things that can cause your Eustachian tube to become blocked are respiratory infections, exposure to cigarette smoke, and allergies. There are others as well such as increases in air pressure like when you take off in an airplane.

You cannot catch ear infections from other people, although you might catch a cold from someone that then leads to an ear infection. If you have an ear infection, you might have ear pain, a fever, or trouble hearing. You may even notice that you are off-balance at times since your ears assist the body in keeping its balance.

Can You Prevent Ear Infections?
You probably can't prevent all ear infections. But you can certainly cut down on the number of earaches your child gets.

  • It's important to try to avoid smoking around your child. Kids who live with one or more smokers are more prone to ear infections.
  • Breastfed babies are less likely to get ear infections.
  • If you bottle feed, be sure to prop your baby at a 30-degree angle if you're not holding him to prevent fluid from draining into the middle ear.
  • You can also massage your child's ears to keep the eustachian tubes open. Remember to use gentle pressure while doing this.
    • Draw a line with your finger along the back of the ear and down the back of the jawbone.
    • Gently push and release the skin in front of the ear several times.
    • Put the fleshy part of your palm, just below your thumb, over your child's ear and rotate the ear gently in all directions.
  • A diet high in sugar prevents your immune system from functioning properly. If your child is having repeat ear infections, it's probably worthwhile to reduce or eliminate sugar from his diet. Cut out fruit juice, too, as it's extremely high in sugar. Fresh fruit is a much better alternative.
  • Xylitol is a natural sugar found in many fruits. Research has shown that kids who chew gum sweetened with xylitol had a lower risk of ear infections.
  • Nearly half of all children who have repeat ear infections have a food allergy of some sort. Cow's milk and milk products are at the top of the list. Eggs, wheat, corn, citrus fruits, and peanut butter are also common allergens. Try eliminating one food at a time to determine if your child has a food allergy, or talk to your child's doctor about allergy tests.
What are the symptoms of ear infections?
1. Fever
2. Ear Pain
3. Imbalance
4. Problems hearing properly
5. Irritability
6. Trouble sleeping
7. Lack of appetite
8. Nausea
9. Vomiting
10. Dizziness

Antibiotics May Not Be The Answer

Ear infections are usually treated with antibiotics. But is this really the best course of action?
A study was done at the University Medical Centre in Utrecht, in The Netherlands, examined 240 kids between the ages of six months and two years who were diagnosed with otitis media. Half received amoxicillin. The other half weren't treated with antibiotics at all, but they were watched carefully to make sure the infection didn't get worse.

Both groups were examined at four days, eleven days, and six weeks. The group treated with antibiotics got better a little faster, but there wasn't much difference in the long-term outcome.

What this study shows is that most of the time, an ear infection will clear up on its own without antibiotic treatment. This is important because overusing antibiotics cause resistant strains of bacteria to develop. This means that the antibiotic will no longer kill disease-producing bacteria like it did before.
Antibiotic treatment can also have side effects. Allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and yeast infections are common reactions to antibiotics.

Let’s now look at natural healing remedies for ear infections;

1. Ear Drops– Ear-Drops Benefits:
the ear canal
-Supports balance in the ear
-Maintains healthy levels of wax in the ear canal
-Supports the overall health of the auditory system
-Supports the health of the ear, naturally
-Maintains routine and normal levels of bacteria in the ear
-Supports healthy immune system functioning
-Supports balance in the outer, middle and inner ear

Herbal Ear Drops
Herbal remedies can help with repeat ear infections, but remember that it's important to try to figure out what's causing them. Food allergies are often a culprit, as mentioned above.

You can buy herbal ear drops in most natural food stores. Or you can make your own.
Many ear drops contain glycerine. It helps to get rid of earwax, and it helps to keep the drops in the ear because it's somewhat sticky. And it also helps preserve the herbal oils.
Treat both ears as the herbs will protect the ear that's not infected. Put the drops in the "good" ear first to prevent transferring the infection with the dropper. Be sure to clean the dropper well and wipe it down with alcohol before putting it back in the oil!

Note: If the fluid is oozing from your child's ear, or if you think your child's eardrum is perforated, or that something (like a bean) is stuck in your child's ear, don't use ear drops. Take your child to the doctor.

Mullein and Garlic Oil
  • Fill a glass jar with fresh mullein flowers. Don't pack them in.
  • Cut 3-4 garlic cloves into small pieces and add them to the flowers.
  • Cover them with enough olive oil to submerge the flowers and garlic. Stir the oil to remove any air bubbles.
  • Add 1/4 cup of glycerine if desired. You should be able to buy it at a drugstore, or they can order it for you.
  • Cover it with a piece of cheesecloth to let moisture from the flowers escape.
  • Set it in a warm place, like on top of the fridge, or in the sun, for three days. If you do this in the summer, be careful as the sun can really heat the oil up. You may just want to set it in the sun in the morning.
  • Strain the flowers out. Store it in a cool place, and it should keep for two years.
To use, warm a few drops to body temperature, and put two to three drops in your child's ears several times a day. Have him lie on his side while you do this, and gently rub around his ear to help the oil run in.
Note: To make mullein oil, leave out the garlic. If you want garlic oil, leave out the mullein. But both herbs work together so well, it's better to use both if you have them on hand.

2. Ear Sprinkles– Ear Sprinkles Benefits:
-Soothes earache in children and babies
-Addresses waxy, “spongy” ears, gently and safely
-Improves ear health and comfort in babies and children under 10, safely
-Reduces inflammation associated with swimmer’s ear
3. Warm Oil – saute some garlic and onion in olive oil. Use an eye dropper and place a few drops of the oil into the infected ear. Let it stay in for about 5-10 minutes then lean your head to the side holding a paper towel to collect what falls out of your ear. This is very soothing.

Leaving On A Jet Plane?
Most of us have been on a plane with a baby or small child screaming in pain when the plane took off or landed. I feel so sorry for little ones in this predicament! (And annoyed with their parents.)
Please try to avoid taking a child with an ear infection on a plane. It probably won't damage the ear, but the change in cabin pressure as the plane takes off and lands hurt like heck!
If you must travel when your child has an ear infection, try giving him nasal decongestant drops and acetaminophen before you take off.
Be sure to post a comment about what worked for you or if you know of any other natural remedies not listed here please feel free to share them here with others who are part of our community. Thanks for sharing.

Take Your Child To The Doctor If...

  • your child's eardrum ruptures. Your child may have sudden, severe pain, along with drainage from the ear. She may actually feel better because of the release of pressure when the eardrum perforates. I remember when this happened with my daughter. Her eardrum healed up on its own without any problems, but I took her to the doctor so he could check her out.
  • your child has a fever, chills feel dizzy or have a serious hearing loss. The infection may have become worse or traveled to the inner ear.
  • your child is lethargic and has a severe headache and a stiff neck. These are symptoms of meningitis. Call your child's doctor right away, as this is very serious.
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24 March, 2019

Warts: Types, Causes , Symptoms and Home Remedies

Living with Warts with Home Remedies

Warts Types, Causes , Symptoms and Home Remedies

Do you have warts on hands, knees, feet or elsewhere? If you do, you probably realize that they are more of a cosmetic nuisance than anything else.  Some people are extremely embarrassed by the sight of their warts so would prefer to be able to get rid of them using a natural home remedy rather than going to a doctor or a pharmacist to get a wart remover.

What are Warts ?

Warts are raised bumpy skin growth on your skin, Warts are generally not dangerous, but they are ugly, Warts cause embracement, and contagious. Warts can be also be painful.  

 First let’s have a look at what causes warts and Types of Warts :
 Warts can appear in various shapes and sizes and they usually appear as rough elevations on your skin. Most often you will find warts on hands, warts on face & neck, finger warts, foot warts, warts on your knees or elbows are also common and even warts on your scalp.

Common Warts- Common Warts are generally occurs on fingers or hands. They are small grainy skin growths. Common warts are small in size with clotted blood vessels. These are caused by a virus and are transmitted by touching. Common warts may take two to six  weeks to develop once your skin has been exposed to the virus.  

Warts: Types, Causes , Symptoms and Home Remedies
Plantar warts

The warts that show up on the soles of your feet are called Plantar warts and can be extremely painful, making it difficult to walk properly.

Warts are caused by a strain of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which triggers abnormally rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of your skin. It is known that there are more than 100 types of  human papilloma viruses  surround us.   Warts are particularly common among children and young adults and people with an impaired immune system.

What to look for with warts;
 Warts are always raised on your skin and can be pink, white or tan in colour. They can bleed when you pick at them or if you cut them. Warts can occur singly or in multiples at a time.
How Warts Spread ?
Warts are highly contagious and they passed by direct skin contact. When someone with Warts prick them and touch another area of his body – it spread the virus.
Warts virus may spread through towels or razors of an affected person.  It is understood that Warts like moist and soft or injured skin.

Symptons :

 They’re ugly. They can hurt so let’s get rid of warts.

 Natural Healing Remedies for Warts;

 Sometimes warts will go away all by themselves. Some prefer not to wait as they are self-conscious about the warts on their body.
 Unfortunately, standard medical treatment often comes in the form of nasty-sounding. and potentially destructive, methods such as burning, scraping, cutting, freezing, injecting, or zapping with a laser. These techniques may or may not be effective. Many of them are painful and may leave scars. To add insult to injury, warts often reappear, no matter what treatment is used.
There was a kid in our neighborhood , kid had hundreds of warts all over his hands and his parents opted to have them surgically removed which would, his parents  had tried Compound W, which, at the time was all there really was to attack this problem. The Compound W helped to some degree, but it also burnt the skin around the warts as well which was very painful. The surgery actually worked for that kid though and he never got any more warts.

If you’re looking for a more natural remedy for warts keep reading.

 Banana Peel – Banana peels showed excellent results against wrts, if you place the inside of a banana peel over warts and secure it there overnight, in the morning the wart (s) will be back and they will eventually fall off in a couple days. If it is a big bump of warts you may have to repeat this procedure a few times.
Onions - warts will disappear when rubbed with onions.
Potato – some have had success getting rid of warts by rubbing potato on them
Vitamin A – apply the oil of a Vitamin A fish oil capsule of 25,000 I.U.s to the wart (s). Do not take this level orally. You have to be patient as this treatment, though effective can take several months to work.
Vitamin C paste – some  have tried  success making a paste with vitamin C and water, applying it to the wart and covering the area.
Duct Tape Warts – Some have used duct tape to remove warts. You need to cover the wart with a small piece of duct tape for many days, then soating the wart and finally rubbing the wart to get rid of dead skin.  Medical or surgical tape can also be used.
Garlic – Garlic has few pyto-chemicals which are in antiviral in nature. So anti-phyto-chemicals help in stop viral cells from growing. It is known that Cloroform garlic extract, if applied to wart stops the growth of wart cells in 3 to 4 more months.  
Castor Oil & Baking Soda – prepare a paste and apply to the wart or warts and cover overnight.
Apple Cider Vinegar – this  is really quite miraculous for the good it does for our bodies in so many ways. Simply apply to the warts with a Q-tip or cotton ball, cover overnight and watch them turn black and fall off.

Prevention of Warts:

  • We need to follow few steps to reduce the risk of common warts
  • Don’t prick at warts, Pricking may spread the virus to different area,
  • Avoid direct contact with warts,
  • Don’t use the same  nail clipper or pumice stone on your warts as you use on your normal skin and nails.
  • Warts occur more often in the skin which has been broken, so Don’t bite your fingernails.
  • Nipping the wart and its surrounding skin  may opens the door for the virus.
  • Wash your hands after touching warts.

Also be sure to post a comment about what worked for you or if you know of any other natural remedies not listed here please feel free to share them here with others who are part of our community.
Thanks for sharing.
Take the time to find the help and the natural treatment you need, and you’ll be able to get on with your life and enjoy it to the fullest. You deserve to be happy and healthy and pain-free.

22 March, 2019

5 Tips for Good Oral Hygiene For Healthy Teeth.

5 Tips for Good Oral Hygiene For Healthy Teeth.

Great Dental Hygiene Tips for Healthy Teeth

Oral hygiene is simply the act of regularly working towards keeping your mouth and teeth clean to avoid having dental troubles, in particular, the dreaded dental caries (fillings) as well as gingivitis, and more commonly, bad breath. I saw a poster once in a doctor ’s clinic that depicted that many diseases we suffer with, start out in our mouth without we know it. This made it clear to me that I needed to pay closer attention than I was to my oral hygiene. 

Here we will look at 5 tips to help boost the oral hygiene that you can use from now on to look after your dental, and overall health, forever.
Obviously, the first tip would be to clean your teeth and mouth regularly by brushing and flossing as well as by using mouthwash. I have read many cases of the detrimental effects of fluoride on our bodies so would strongly suggest that you look for both a toothpaste and a mouthwash that does NOT contain fluoride. They are not hard to find. The toothpaste that I use I get at shopping malls and they are fluoride free. I’m sure you can do a search online and find them if you do not have access to such toothpaste. I just request you to search in a different locality. Recently I found a mouthwash that is fluoride free, sugar-free and alcohol-free and it works wonderfully. Note that these items are affordable.

The second tip is to not forget about your tongue. The tongue is an area that can harbour bacteria as well as the teeth and gums so you want to be sure that you also pay attention to your tongue whenever you are cleaning your teeth. Using the mouthwash will help with some of the bacteria on your tongue, but brushing it is also a good idea to help remove any lingering bacteria. Left unchecked, the bacteria, decaying food particles and candida found on the tongue can generate tooth decay and gum issues.

Our third tip is to try to eat foods that are known to help with oral hygiene. So let’s have a look at some foods that you definitely should be included in your diet -
5 Tips for Good Oral Hygiene For Healthy Teeth.
Green Tea

  1. Green tea – contains polyphenol antioxidant plant compounds that lower plaque and aid in reducing cavities and gum disease. Tea may also help to reduce bad breath.
  2. Fruits – for example, apples which contain Vitamin C that helps to protect your gums from disease
  3. Milk or Yogurt – bring calcium which is needed to strengthen your teeth
  4. Cheese – contains calcium and phosphate, which help to balance the acidity in your mouth, help to preserve (and rebuild) worn tooth enamel, help produce saliva, and kill off bacteria that can cause dental cavities and disease.
  5. Water – helps keep gums hydrated and flush away food particles between teeth.

5 Tips for Good Oral Hygiene For Healthy Teeth.

There are many more so I’d suggest that you do some research online to learn which foods can be helpful in maintaining proper oral hygiene. There are also some foods that work against you in your effort to protect your teeth and gums. Sugar is the biggest culprit here, as you may already know. The acidity of some fruit juices is also damaging to the enamel of your teeth. 

So our fourth tip is to research and avoid those foods that can actually harm your teeth's enamel and cause you dental problems.

Our fifth tip is to avoid bad habits that can have a negative impact on your teeth and gums. One of the most obvious is smoking and chewing tobacco. Someone who is Bulimic and constantly vomiting can cause tremendous damage to their teeth and gums with all that stomach acid flowing through the mouth.

Oral hygiene, as you can tell, is simply a matter of being consistent in caring for your teeth and gums, eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong, and staying away from bad habits that will negatively impact your mouth as well as your overall health. Some of the diseases or conditions that have been linked to poor oral hygiene are; cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks or strokes, bacterial pneumonia, diabetes complications and more.

16 March, 2019

Stretch Marks : Symptoms, Causes & How to Get Rid of them -Herbal Cures

10 Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks: Symptoms, Causes & How to Get Rid of them -Herbal Cures
image source www.wikimedia.org 
Stretch marks are fine lines on the body that occur from tissue under your skin tearing from fast growth or over-stretching (usually during pregnancy or from puberty or muscle building). Many people experience stretch marks and thankfully they do not cause any significant medical problems. Mostly they are a cosmetic concern so people are always looking for how to hide stretch marks or how to reduce stretch marks.

Stretch marks are also known as singular stria, striae distensae, striae catastrophic, striae rubra (which are red) and striae alba (white). There are two basic types of stretch marks: white and red. The older and more mature the stretch mark you will find its color tends to be white or silver. Newer occurrences of stretch marks are usually red or purple in color. Neither are pretty!
We have already mentioned what causes stretch marks so in order to prevent stretch marks you want to avoid rapid weight gain (obviously during puberty or pregnancy you do not have much control over this). So if you go through puberty or pregnancy and end up having stretch marks there is still hope for you so don’t despair. There are many home remedies for stretch marks that are effective.
The most common places for stretch marks to occur are in the abdomen, underarms, thighs ( inside and outside), breasts, hips, buttocks and upper arms. You may have noticed that these areas are the parts of the body where the most fat is stored.

Stretch marks can also be caused by some medications such as steroids.
Think of the cause of stretch marks like the equivalent of over-stretching a rubber band until it loses its elasticity.
Your skin type may also be a factor in you getting stretch marks as if you have dry skin you will find it has less elasticity than oilier skin types.

10 Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

So now let’s look at some home remedies for stretch marks or what else you can use as a stretch mark remover;
1. 100% Cocoa Butter – very effective if used over the long term
2. Weight Control – this will help prevent stretch marks as you gain control of your weight.
3. Vitamin E (Cream or Oil) – moisturizes and is generally recommended for healing scar tissue.
4. Massage Oil  – Aromatherapy massage oils promote elasticity and protect against common stretch marks
5. Coffee Grinds – some have reported that exfoliating your stretch marks with your left over coffee grinds while in the shower reduces the appearance of stretch marks.
7. Hydration – drinking lots of clean water helps to hydrate your body and your skin especially. One of the first signs of dehydration is sagging skin so be sure to drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day or as close to this much as possible. eg. Your weight =140 lbs, drink 70 ounces of water every day.

Stretch Marks :  Symptoms, Causes & How to Get Rid of them -Herbal Cures

8. Exercise – exercise helps your skin to firm up, your body to lose fat and build muscle all of which will help with reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

9.Vitamins – Vitamins A,C & E as well as Zinc provide nutrients that your skin needs. Find these in foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, nuts, eggs, beans and green leafy vegetables to name a few for you.

10. Sugar - Sugar is considered as a microderbabrasive in Homeopathic medicine system.

Microdermabrasion is performed by dermatologists, which is known clinical method with positive results. By this process stretch marks get faded. So you can try this method at home by following steps.
a) Take one cup of sugar add quarter cup of almond oil ( or coconut oil) and mix till the consistency of a cream.
b) Add few drops of lemon juice.
c) Scrub this mixture on stretch marks for 8 to 10 minutes.
d)  Repeat this method 4 to 5 times in a week.

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15 March, 2019

Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Sleep is a very important part of our lives that allows our bodies to rest and regenerate to face another day. Unfortunately, insomnia, or the lack of ability to sleep on a regular basis, affects millions of people the world over and it can be very frustrating, to say the least.
On a more severe level, it can affect every aspect of your life. The recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours, however, with today’s fast-paced lifestyles, most people do not get anywhere near that. Some of the effects of this are a lack of concentration and memory loss

Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments 


What Causes Insomnia?  OR   Lack of Sleep?

According to sleepfoundation.org, Some medical conditions lead to Insomnia. Sometimes medical discomforts make it difficult for a person to sleep.

Few examples of medical conditions which cause insomnia are  -
  • Arthritis pain
  • Asthma
  • Chronic pain
  • Low back pain
  • Nasal / Sinus allergies
  • Depression
  • Common cold
  • Endocrine problems like hyperthyroidism
  • Neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship Trouble

For insomniacs this is worse as some of them have trouble falling asleep, some wake up too early feeling like they have not had enough sleep and others have problems staying asleep while others suffer from all issues. If this is you, read on for some relief.

Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments, Lack of sleep

Foods to Avoid for Insomnia patients

Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant, mainly people drink Caffeinated drinks for rejuvenation and to feel productive by making you more concentrated. Moderate amount of Caffeine is good, but excessive caffeine may cause insomnia. So it is advised to avoid Caffeinated drinks two hours before going to bed.
Alcohol: Alcohol acts a sedative. Initially alcohol makes us fall asleep, but later on, alcohol disrupts our sleep.
Heavy Meals: Heavy meals in the dinner which is close to bedtime disrupts your sleep. It is advised to eat meals at least three hours before going to bed.

Thankfully there are multiple natural remedies for insomnia that you can try until you find what works for you.
Some of the causes of insomnia include mental tension brought on by anxiety, overworking yourself, worrying, and over-stimulation prior to going to bed. Others include eating too much before bedtime, drinking too much coffee or tea, going to bed still hungry, worrying about being able to sleep and much more.
Here are some natural remedies for insomnia that may be effective for you;
1. Regular Sleep Schedule – one of the simplest ways to treat insomnia naturally is to set and stick to a regular sleep schedule where you go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time each day.
2. Music Therapy – listen to some of your favourite music that helps you to relax. Some, who awake with every noise, like to use headphones to do this.
3. Valerian – studies have shown Valerian to be very effective in treating insomnia naturally. In many European countries, it is an accepted over-the-counter remedy for insomnia. It doesn’t work for everyone (nothing usually does) and usually takes a few weeks to be effective as a natural insomnia remedy.
Valerian is taken between an hour and an hour and a half before bedtime. Note of caution, however, Valerian conflicts with many medications including antihistamines and sedatives. Valerian should also not be used with other prescription sleep medications or by those with liver disease. Be sure to consult with your local Naturopath regarding the use of this herb.
4. Melatonin – Melatonin is a hormone that naturally occurs in our bodies that helps us fall asleep so it is common sense that if you’re having trouble falling asleep some additional melatonin might help cure your insomnia naturally.
5. Meditation – many find 20-30 minutes of meditation before bedtime helps them to relax and fall asleep faster and easier.
6. Visualization – visualization involves imaging a scene that would relax you. The key is to involve as many of your senses as you can. For example, if, like me, you love the ocean, imagine the sound of the waves coming on shore, feel the ocean breeze, imagine the smell of the sea. Get the idea?
7. Diet – There are foods to avoid if you are having trouble sleeping and some of these are caffeine and sugary foods. Some that you should include in your diet are those rich in magnesium which is a natural sedative. Examples of magnesium-rich foods are dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, almonds, cashews and blackstrap molasses.
8. Aromatherapy – Lavender seems to have sedative qualities. You could put a lavender sachet under your pillow, inhale the essential oil or put a few drops in your bath.
9. Exercise – exercise helps tremendously with people suffering from insomnia. Exercise causes the release of endorphins which help boost our mood and helps us to relax which aids in getting us to fall asleep.

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13 March, 2019

Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment with Home Remedies

The definition of arthritis is “ inflammation of the joints”. I know that if you are suffering from arthritis you would define it more with the word “P-A-I-N”. At this stage I am aware that you are not so much concerned with the causes of arthritis, you just want the solutions to start your arthritis pain management.

Arthritis Pain Relief and Natural Home Remedies 

The good news for you is that there is a lot that can be done to help with this condition. If you’re in a hurry then simply head to the bottom of this post for arthritis pain treatment that you can begin immediately.

While it is most common in people over 60 years, arthritis can affect all age groups – even infants and children.

Arthritis can manifest itself in several different forms, with the most frequent being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which usually occurs in older people. Over time, as the body ages, our joints naturally degenerate. However, when someone complains of pain and stiffness in their bodies, or that their hands or hip are too sore to move, it may be as a direct result of arthritis. They need arthritis to help. Most often, it affects the fingers, hips, and knees.

Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a serious disease which affects not only the joints of the fingers, wrists, hips, knees, and feet, but also your muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease (when the body’s own defense system does not work properly) that causes inflammation of the joints. The condition may be caused by hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, infection, severe fright, shock, and injury.

Were you aware that Arthritis is not only isolated to the joints? Many forms of arthritis can affect the whole body including eyes, skin, chest (including the heart), lungs, and kidneys.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness in the joints. The pain usually increases if you have done some exercise. Rheumatoid arthritis usually develops gradually over several months, with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more of your joints. Ultimately your whole body becomes affected.

Some of the more common symptoms of arthritis are;

  1.  Anemia
  2.  Colitis
  3.  Deformed Hands
  4.  Deformed Feet
  5.  Constipation
  6.  Joint weakness
  7.  Joint swelling
  8.  Joint stiffness
  9.  Muscle aches
  10.  Fatigue
  11.  Insomnia
  12.  Depression
  13.  Decreased mobility
  14.  Instability
  15.  Difficulty completing everyday tasks eg. Brushing teeth

So, other than getting older, what are some of the causes of arthritis?

  1.  Obesity
  2.  Genetics
  3.  Immune disorders
  4.  Inflammatory disorders
  5.  Metabolic disorders
  6.  Chronic stress to joints
  7. Joint trauma
  8.  Poor Nutrition
  9. Job hazards eg. Heavy construction work

Arthritis help is specifically aimed at arthritis pain management, by providing pain relief. Treatment generally depends on the type of arthritis you have.

 Here are some of the arthritis pain treatment methods used;

  1.  Hydrotherapy
  2.  Relaxation therapy
  3. Oil  Massage  – Oil Massage Benefits: Complements the effects of therapeutic massage after surgery, injury or trauma, Perfect for sports massage, Soothing oil massage for joints and muscles, Assists with post-exercise muscle conditioning.
  4.  Acupuncture
  5.  Physical therapy
  6.  Glucosamine
  7.  Exercise – gentle exercise such as swimming is helpful
  8.  Apple Pectin
  9.  Hot & Cold – apply heat then ice to the affected joints alternatively
  10.  Copper – rings or bracelets of copper are said to provide arthritis help

Take the time to find the help and the natural treatment you need, and you’ll be able to get on with your life and enjoy it to the fullest. You deserve to be happy and healthy and pain-free.

Be sure to post any natural remedies that you may be aware of so our other visitors can benefits. Thanks for sharing.