03 April, 2019

18 Tested Expert Ways to Prevent a Hangover - Herbal Cures

Hangover: Myths, Prevention and Cure

I would imagine that very few, if any, people have never experienced a hangover, and hangovers are not pleasant experiences. You feel like death is around the corner don’t you?
Many opt for popping over the counter remedies such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen which can be helpful, although harsh on your liver, which, by the way, is already suffering from the damage the alcohol you consumed is causing.

18 Tested Expert Ways to Prevent a Hangover - Herbal Cures

Here we will look at some hangover remedies that you can try. Some of these you may already have in your home so you could give them a try immediately. Others may require a visit to the store (or an online purchase so you’re better prepared for the next time) so if you’re currently suffering with a hangover and are unable to get yourself to the store, perhaps a good friend or loved one can pick the items up for you.

What causes a Hangover?

I do not think there is a need to cover what causes a hangover since you already know what got you to this point so we’ll focus instead on providing as much remedies as possible.
The most common symptoms of a hangover are; (You may not have all of these symptoms as everyone is different).
  1.  Headaches
  2.  Nausea
  3.  Dry Mouth
  4.  Dizziness
  5.  Sensitivity to light and sound
  6.  Muscle aches
  7.  Irritability
  8.  Constant thirst
  9.  Fatigue
  10.  Diarrhea

Hangover Prevention Formula  !!!

Okay, let’s get to remedies so that you can start feeling better quickly.

1. Bananas – Bananas provide potassium and magnesium that your body loses when you are consuming alcohol. You could make a banana milkshake with some honey.

2. Ginger – This has always been used for treating nausea. You could drink Ginger Ale or make a ginger tea. Ginger cookies can also help.

3. Honey, Lemon & Hot Water – Mix up and drink
18 Tested Expert Ways to Prevent a Hangover - Herbal Cures

4. Soup – Stay with a clear soup like a broth. Even though the thought of food might make you feel even worse your body needs sustenance to aid in your recovery from a hangover. Chicken noodle soup would be good if you can handle the noodles and vegetables in this.

5. Ice – Use an ice pack or simply put some ice cubes in a small towel and apply to your forehead.

6. Orange Juice & Honey – Mix some honey into a glass of orange juice (preferably fresh squeezed orange juice)

7. Time – Given enough time, your body will deal with the effects of your over-consumption of alcohol. Sleep it off.

8. Water- Alcohol dehydrates your body so drinking as much water as you can tolerate will help speed your recovery (ideally you should drink a lot of water BEFORE you go to bed as this will help to lessen the severity of a hangover). It also helps prevent a hangover if you drink a glass of water in between your alcoholic drinks.


9. B-Complex Vitamins – Your body loses these during alcohol consumption so you need to replenish the supply your body needs.

10. Milk Thistle – This helps your liver to recover

11. Watermelon – This will help to re-hydrate you while also providing you with needed nutrients

12. Club Soda & Bitters – This helps with the nausea and is a bartenders favorite

13. Pineapple Juice - Pineapple juice good for replacing electrolytes and hydrate you.

14. Greasy Food – Many swear that eating greasy food like a hamburger from a fast food joint helps them feel better. Not sure exactly why this helps.

15. Pro-biotics – These help maintain a balance of good and bad bacteria in your body.

16. Peppermint – You could make a peppermint tea and drink it. Pineapple contains bromelain which helps reducing high levels of inflammation caused by drinking. Pineapple juice also helps in restoring your blood-sugar levels to regular functioning. 

17. Tomato Juice – In addition to being a preventative remedy, tomato juice contains fructose which helps your body metabolize alcohol more quickly. This is probably why the morning-after Bloody Mary seems to work for many.

18. Hang-Over Morning Mend – something you may want to have on hand for future hangovers.

You may also like to read - 

Hang-Over Morning Mend Benefits:

* Reduces headache and nausea associated with overindulgence or an alcohol hangover
* Reduces eye sensitivity to light commonly associated with a hangover
* Alleviates red eyes due to excessive alcohol
* Relieves dry mouth, irritability and mental fogginess
* Encourages routine detox as a cure for hangover

Hope your hangover will definitely get reduced with above stated remedies. So there you have a ton of solutions for your current hangover predicament. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Be sure to post a comment about what worked for you or if you know of any other natural remedies not listed here please feel free to share them here with others who are part of our community. Thanks for sharing.