Herbal Remedies for Insect Stings
What do you do to prevent insect stings? Many use the chemical as a powerful prevention. But that is actually full of a chemical that is dangerous. They can be toxins in your body, badly affect sensitive skins, and harmful to the environment. You would not realize their detrimental effect on your health. What if you get bitten? Well, there are many herbal remedies you can use for insect stings. They are safer and even easier to use.
Herbal Remedies for Insect Stings
Below, there are some herbal remedies for insect stings and skin irritation. Their effectiveness has generally been proven since long time ago:
· Tea tree oil. It is good to neutralize toxins and stop itches. Skin inflammation after a bite can also be reduced.
· Plantain. This herb is commonly found in yards, maybe you have it too. It is useful to clean toxins caused by insect stings and another kind of skin irritation.
· Arnica. This herb is used to heal swelling and pain of bruises.
· Lavender and Peppermint. They have the same effect as tea tree oil. As you know, both are really popular mosquito bite prevention lotion.
· Apes Mellifica. This herb is especially effective to treat bee stings since it is obtained from bees.
· Calendula. It is good for wounds and infection.
· Tobacco and apple cider vinegar. Make a paste of them and then apply to your skin until the swelling goes down.
· Rosemary. Many active ingredients in Rosemary can be used to cure insect stings and prevent infection.
· Hypericum. It is good as anti-inflammation, antiseptic, and also prevents you from a skin infection.
· Urtica. The leaves have ingredients that prevent the inflammation process. You can also use it for insect stings.
There are many other herbal remedies in society. Each may have different beliefs and tradition to this.
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