09 May, 2019

Herbal remedies for dandruff - Home Made Anti-Dandruff Shampoos

Herbal remedies for dandruff - Home Made Anti-Dandruff Shampoos

There are many chemical-based flake- dandruff shampoos on the market. Most of these can actually, irritate the scalp further, or strip hair of much-needed natural oils. Luckily, there are several Essential Oils (EO’s) that experts recommend to treat dandruff and itchy scalp. These include Basil, Birch, Carrot, Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Myrrh, Patchouli, Rose, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme, and Ylang-Ylang. Remember that EO’s are concentrated, and most need to be diluted before applying them to the skin or scalp. You can look for herbal or organic shampoos that include these EO’s, or make your own.

Herbal remedies for dandruff

The Herbal Daily Cleansing Dandruff Shampoo should contain herbs like Sage, lavender, yarrow, rosemary, thyme, nettle, chamomile, and wild cherry. Start searching in the organic section of your local grocery or co-op, and start reading labels.

Herbal remedies for dandruff - Home Made Anti-Dandruff Shampoos

Dandruff Causes :

One thing that most of us don’t consider is how our diet and food choices affect our skin- including our scalp and hair. A healthy balanced diet is essential not only to our physical health and well-being, but to the health of our skin, our arteries, and even our brain function. The same diet of refined sugars, and extra caffeine– the one that doesn’t include enough water, fruits, and vegetables– will often contribute to dry and flaky skin, acne, overproduction of body oils, and dandruff.
Another an important tip to remember is that we need to adjust our diet and our shampoo. 

Any shampoo used continuously for too long loses effectiveness. Pick two or three favorites, and rotate your use. It is also important to wash your hairbrush, comb, and other tools used for good grooming. You should be using hot water, mild soap, and an old sterilized toothbrush to remove residues and dirt/dust from your comb and brush at least once weekly. Otherwise, you may simply be spreading a germ factory back onto your hair after you wash it, and irritating your scalp in the process.
Herbal remedies for dandruff - Home Made Anti-Dandruff Shampoos

Dandruff Treatment :

Herbal experts at Rosemary Gladstar recommend this herbal shampoo for improving the balance of your scalp and hair:
8 ounces distilled water
1-ounce herbs (combinations are given below)
3 ounces of liquid castile soap
1/4 teaspoon of jojoba oil (replace with rosemary EO for very oily hair)
25 drops of pure essential oil (pick one or two from the list at the top of the page)
Bring the water to a boil, add the herbs, cover, and let simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain and cool.

Slowly add the castile soap to the “tea” water and then mix in the jojoba oil and essential oil.
Store in a plastic container with a flip-top lid, and shake before using.
A word of warning: I once stored my own soap mixture in a beautiful blue glass pump-bottle in the shower. One morning it fell onto the tiled shower floor, and I spent two hours locating and picking out every tiny blue sliver of glass before I could safely finish my shower. Plastic does have its uses.

For dry hair, the herbal mixture would include:
1 part calendula flower
1 part marshmallow root
1 part nettle leaf (this is particularly soothing for allergy-induced dandruff

For oily hair, the herbal mixture would include:
1 part rosemary leaf
1 part witch hazel bark (not extract)
1 part yarrow leaf and flower

For golden highlights, experts suggest the following:
2 parts calendula flower
1 part chamomile flower
1 part comfrey leaf

This mixture is also particularly soothing for skin irritations.

If you prefer to create a simple rinse, consisting of EO’s and a diluting oil, recommended vegetable oils include Evening Primrose, Borage, and Jojoba. A home-made shampoo to loosen the crusty layer of dead skin cells that flake off as dandruff, and stimulate the healing mechanisms of the skin includes these ingredients:
4 ounces Soap Stew*
18 drops Rosemary EO
10 drops Thyme EO
8 drops Sage EO

Preparation - 
Blend together nicely. Do not use in combination with harsh chemical shampoos from the supermarket. Instead, alternate with the following home-made shampoo that stimulates healthy scalp and hair:-
4 ounces Soap Stew*
10 drops Sage EO
10 drops Lemon EO
5 drops Basil EO
15 drops Eucalyptus peppermint
Blend together well.
*Soap Stew can be made with a variety of simple ingredients, depending on availability. The easiest way to make this basic soap or shampoo starter is to use unscented liquid Castile Soap. If you have access to pure white blocks of Castile, grate 4 ounces finely, and add to 1 quart of simmering spring water until the soap has dissolved.

Additionally, a simple Cider Vinegar Rinse– focusing on the scalp, and not on the hair– is said to be an excellent treatment for dandruff. Avoid distilled vinegar. Add 2 to 5 drops of your chosen Essential Oil per tablespoon of vinegar. Two teaspoons of the mixed cider vinegar added to an ounce of water gives you a final rinse to use just before leaving the shower.

Basic Home Made Shampoo :

Herbal remedies for dandruff - Home Made Anti-Dandruff Shampoos

Ingredients: Half a cup of water 
Half a cup Castile vegetable-based liquid soap like Dr. Bronner’s (available on Amazon
1 teaspoon light vegetable oil or glycerine (omit if you have oily hair) 
A few drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)

Preparation - Combine ingredients, mix well and put in a recycled clean shampoo bottle. 

Take two spoons full of the shampoo or less to lather once, and then rinse with warm water. This homemade shampoo is thinner than commercial shampoo and it won’t suds as much — but it will eliminate oil and grime just as well as the over-the-counter stuff.

The Last line-
Dandruff is a frustrating problem, they are many natural remedies available which can reduce symptoms and provide relief for dandruff symptoms.

-Rosemary Gladstar’s Family Herbal. Storey Publishing, 2001.

-Valerie Ann Worwood’s The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. New World Library, 1991.

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